Certified Strength & Conditioning Coaches At Your Fingertips

MPC Fitness is dedicated to helping you achieve your optimum health & fitness through science-backed and innovative personal training. Workouts & meal plans on your phone, managed by your certified strength & conditioning coaches!

1-800-210-2513 5041 Fairview Street, Burlington, Canada Mon - Sat 10.00 - 15.00, Sunday CLOSED
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  /  Lifestyle (Page 2)

When it comes to sports nutrition, most athletes pride themselves on eating in a way that optimizes performance. They are committed to spending time, money, and effort to get the highest quality pre- and post-workout nutrition. Despite this commitment to fueling for performance, women and girls are at substantial risk of underfueling. Research shows that many female athletes are involved in a cycle of chronic dieting that leads to low nutrient intake and impaired physical and mental performance. Surveys suggest that a staggering 2/3 of collegiate female athletes are

Conventional advice tells you to exercise if you want to lose weight. Repeated studies and real-life experience show this is often not the case, leading many disappointed exercisers to ask “Why can’t I lose weight even though I’m exercising?” This is a complicated question because there are a lot of different moving pieces to weight loss. First, it's helpful to identify how the body loses weight. For weight loss, it's necessary to have a calorie deficit that is sustained over time so that you are taking in fewer calories